Question in a heart

Let's make things simple

Savings can seem complicated but it doesn’t have to be. We’re here to help you get to grips with the basics and make things simple for you.

Emily’s Story

I was fortunate that my parents started a savings habit for me when I was a baby, and as I got older I started to funnel my birthday and Christmas money into my Darlington Building Society Junior Cash Isa. By the time I was 18, I had reached my first savings goal and was able to buy myself a car. As I did, I also opened a Teen Goal Saver account, where I now save regularly to cover the costs of my future car insurance and fuel. I am so grateful that my parents taught me the value of saving for the future from a young age, I know that they have put me on the road to a future of careful financial planning, which I am sure will be a huge benefit as I head off to university.

Emily Sidgwick, Darlington